With Autumn Blood you discover again violence of men
Autumn Blood is an Austrian Thriller, where two orphan face the cruelty of men. One hunter rape the sister after her swim in a lake, all the village brutalize them !

The desire to possess other’s body
The scene start in a peacefull natural place, Sophie Low swim in water. Nude, alone, she doesn’t know that a guy watch her. Glaring her nude and young body, he want her…
At start he caress her hair to show her his interest, but she don’t seem to want it. So he push and start to be more agressive, but she fight back and hurt him… There only anger and frustration speak. He jump on her and strangle her, he will forced her to sex with all his strenght.

Rape scene review : A good philosophycal scene – A
This scene is not really graphic, but it’s more aesthetic. I like the way the first approach is smooth and gentle, showing her that he like her. It depict most of the rape case, the guy first want to fuck, but as she refuse… He decide to do it anyway !
With sex, it seem men can’t understand no is no. I think this scene may really well depict how a common rapist think (not serial rapist or serial killer). All his about desire and frustration.

Indian politicians and police do repeat rapes shamelessly
That really sade… India is not a safe place for women and it’s sad.