Central park is a dangerous place for woman jogger
A man is surpised to see a group of thug assaulting a woman, she’s a jogger in Central Park. While he run to help her, they undress her breast to molest her big boobs… The fear to be to late….
They decide to grap her in a quiet place to gang rape her ! The scene is from the movie Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D (1990). We can enjoy the tits of Pamela Alster topless scene !

The threat for woman jogger while she run
This look like fantasy, but it’s also a real danger for women. Running alone is a dangerous hobby for ladies, wearing sexy tight sport outfit, men’s lust often turn in drama.
Sadly many girls died during those assault, so women take care while you are running alone. It may not only end up with a dick inside you. The case of the central park jogger rape attack, depict in Netflix serie When they see us.
Central Park is known for a place where you should not run alone at night. There was a case told in the movie “How they see us“, but many aggression are not told in TV…
In this movie the scene happen during day… What is rare, but it’s for a movie.

Gangrape review : Hot and short scene – A+
Really like this scene, short and brutal, the victim is super hot. It’s not really graphic, you just see some (nice tits) but the struggle and imagination do the job.
The site got some other good videos in the same thema, but more porn oriented, you should take a look. Like this one from Germany, far from Central park, she’s attacked in a forest. The worse always happen far from the city, but sometime inside it also…
It’s from Troma’s Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.
Many thanks for the info !