Nazis decide to rape a chinese woman prisonner
During the war a group of japaneses nazis soldiers interogate a chinese woman. They thing she’s a spy and decide to rape her to make her talk.
There aren’t many soldier gangbang vids on JAV, which could be because Japan hasn’t had a genuine army since WWII. Even in this film, the military are nazis (even if they are Asians), demonstrating that we must travel back in time to make the plot come true.
The incident takes set during wartime, and a female prisoner’s interrogation turns into a vicious gang rape. They will fuck her until she tells the truth—or even if she does!

Sexual misuse of authority during wartime
It’s never pleasant to be a woman during a fight; they’re the first target of soldiers’ lust. That is the case with this poor lady; the men demand to know where her husband is, but she does not know.
That doesn’t satisfy them, so they decide to fuck her. But we can be certain that even if she told them, she would still be abused.
The acting is superb, and I am confident you will enjoy this hard gangbang JAV.