Good acting in brutal rape scene from the movie Return to sender
Return to sender, is an american psychological thriller, with the famous Rosamund Pike. It’s about a woman who wait her blind date named Kevin, but the guy is William and he want something else.
She’s violently raped in the table of her kitchen by this mysterious guy. If you are curious about the movie, the plot is a classic rape and revenge. But as many movie with famous rape scene, they are overall really bad… Don’t waste time and just watch the scene.

Rape scene review : Good acting – A
Rosamund is quite hot with her home dress, showing her slim and long body. She got also a good acting in the brutal sequence, with lot of fight.
The scene is not really graphic, but should satisfy most of watcher ! Some more skin is always better, but you will have to let your imagination do the work here !

Some informations about the movie Return to sender
“Return to Sender” is a psychological thriller film that was released in 2015. The movie stars Rosamund Pike, Shiloh Fernandez, and Nick Nolte. The film was directed by Fouad Mikati and written by Patricia Beauchamp and Joe Gossett.
The story revolves around Miranda Wells (Rosamund Pike), a talented nurse who is raped by a man named William Finn (Shiloh Fernandez). Finn is later caught and sentenced to prison, but Miranda’s life is forever changed. After struggling to cope with the trauma of the assault, she begins to correspond with Finn through letters.
As their correspondence continues, Miranda starts to question her own feelings towards Finn and whether she can find forgiveness for what he has done. However, Finn has other plans and manipulates Miranda into a dangerous game of cat and mouse.
The film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising Rosamund Pike’s performance as the traumatized nurse and others criticizing the plot’s lack of originality. Despite the mixed reviews, the movie has some powerful moments and a few twists that keep the audience engaged.
Overall, “Return to Sender” is a dark and unsettling film that explores themes of trauma, forgiveness, and revenge. If you enjoy psychological thrillers and are a fan of Rosamund Pike’s acting, then this film may be worth checking out.
Don’t like to seem too tough but I give this one a C+ and only that high because she did a good job of fighting back which most do not. NO nudity at all, kind of boring if you don’t at least see her breasts.
It’s a mainstream scene 🙂 You can’t always show nudity.