The beautilful Monica Bellucci in Irréversible rape scene
Irréversible rape scene is the most famous forced sex sequence in mainstream history. It’s also the longest rape scene ever made in a movie, and one of the most violent.
During the premiere in Cannes’s festival, many peoples leaved the dark room after watching it… Are your stomach ready to watch it ?
Irreversible is a french movie from the realisator Gaspar Noé, wich one of the most brutal rape scene ever made in mainstream. For many people the film is just unwatchable because of 10 minute hard violation of Monica Bellucci.
As I said mainstream movies made more realistic scene than pornography, if I could imagine a rape it would be like that, this scene is very controversial. I removed the end of the scene with the beating, I think it’s too much violent, the scene is enough… Forced sex fantasy don’t need to be gore…

Why so much violence ?
The movie critic is really divised, I saw it, it’s really well made, but I understand that people can be shocked… Since the beginning of cinema rape scene were always used as a pervert way to catch the public and give a renow to the film. In the movie “The howling” Joe Dante, use the rape with a pervert mind, he wanted to watch one, so he filmed it.
The serie “Death Wish“, the one with Charles Bronson not the recent one with Bruce Willis, was also famous for the brutal rape scene (at this time). Many feminists are against the use of rape scene in cinema, something I understand, because each movie want to push the horror just for controversial fame.

Rape to fill an empty plot
I think is the same for Irreversible, the movie is quite empty and the only thing that made this movie famous is the rape scene of Monica Bellucci. The murder scene is also brutal, but hollywood is full of gore and murder, it’s not enough to make the public leave the audience.

Rape porn review : Outstanding acting – SS
It was really hard for Monica to play during this scene, but her performance is outstanding. As the performance of Jo Prestia, who play the rapist, I don’t think is easy for a men to do it…
I have read many testimony of men who try do follow their girlfriends in rape fantasy roleplay. And many of them cryed. Even if it’s fake, it’s not easy to act a crime and violence.
It’s too brutal to say it’s hot, like rapeporn videos, but I admit the acting is incredible.
The most beautiful woman in the Irréversible rape scene
We are all curious and lusty to watch the rape of one of the most beautiful woman in the world ! We don’t see much skin of the italian godess, but some tits and ass is more than enough.
You can watch another world class beauty rape scene with Jennifer Lawrence. And more wonderful women are coming so keep following us !

Red Sparrow rape scene is one of the most brutal scene with Jennifer.
I think you will love it too !