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Husband Force His Wife To Anal Sex In Lonsj Movie

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Lonsj offer a short but good rape scene

Lonsj is a norvegian movie and it also mean breakfast. But in this scene a anal rape in a couple is the taste for the morning.

A horny man want sex with his wife, violently his force his way in her ass. Her face his really good acting, disgust and surprise, she’s stunned by the violence. Pia Tjelta is a really good actress, and really pretty too.

Lonsj anal sex scene with Pia Tjelta
Darling I want to fuck you ass

To fuck your wife against her will is also RAPE

Many men talk about marital duty, and that women have to spread their legs for their pleasure. That old time philosophy, hopefully it near ended in many modern country. But that kind of thought still destroy many couples.

You marry with a woman because you love her, you like her presence and talking to her, not just to fill your dick inside her vagina. Their is a lot of escort girl that will offer you more pleasure that way.

To force your wife to sex without her consent is a crime and disgusting. It the same when she’s sleeping, or when she’s drunk. To respect the other being is a great step in humanity.

Pia Tjelta Lonsj rape scene
Damn, I’m horny this morning

Really good forced sex scene

The scene is short, but just to watch Pia Tjelta face resume all the drama for her. I never watched the full movie, but if someone had information about it, let share in the comment.

Mainstream rape scenes have really great quality, you can discover a lot of them in the site. I’ll try to update as fast as I can to share all rape scenes from all movies in the world !

lonsj anal rape scene in bed
The acting of actress is really good !
Date: July 24, 2023
Actors: Pia Tjelta

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