Mother sacrifice her body in Outrages aux moeurs

In this short scene from the french movie of Pierre Unia “Outrages aux moeurs” (1985) a jaleous producer capture a mother (Laetita Thomas) and her daughter (Valérie Houlier).
The mother try to lure the crazy guy by taking a bath but she try to escape. He threat to rape her daughter, but instead she offer her body to the lust of their kidnapper.
He will fuck her wildly on a table, and tie her back to the bedroom once he finish.

What would a mother do to protect her childs
Mother sacrifice is a strong reality, there lot of case where women would sacrifice herself, instead of seeing their childrens suffer. But sadly sometine it doesn’t happen so easily… Like the poor victim of Joshua Carney in Cardiff.
In front of the threat of being killed, she ask her daughter to open the door. And the dangerous maniac abused the poor girl alongside of her mother.
It’s difficult to say what we would have done in the same situation… And I really hope that no one would have to suffer of it… And I really hope, that none of the visitors would make someone suffer like this.
Keep the Kink as a fantasy.

Rape porn review : Short but hot – B
As movie scene it’s more erotic than graphic, but Laetita Thomas is sexy as hell. Maybe a version where the rapist abuse the two women would have been great !
But it’s only cinema, not porn, so it have to stay soft ! There some similar video in porn but with less good acting like those videos :