“Le viol” women first fear
“Ma première fois” is a short film from France who depict a violent rape (viol in french). Less than one minute it’s still really rough !
It seem that the scene is about a woman who go to a party, but fall in the hand of bad guys. And as the title of the video suggest this rape will be her first sexual experience.

Women violence is now filmed
In this video not only the guy rape the young woman, but also take picture and video of it. It’s really strange because it’s a common fact, to add more humiliation.
Why film your crime ? Maybe it’s because the importance of porno twisted our mind. Maybe not, during vietnam war many soldiers took pictures of their barbaric act with proud.
Maybe if vikings could have smartphone they would do the same… As hunter take picture with their prey, it’s a twisted pride of their power.
Sadly women and children are the victim of this violence ! I hope those movies could calm visitors lust, and act like a placebo.
It’s not to encourage rape fantasy, but to give a way to canalise this destructive lust and desire of domination.
Hope it work ! Many women are broken by the viol, and that not a vision of the world I wish.

Rape porn review : A+ brutal and short
It’s rare to find in 2020 rape scene with good acting, and this one is one of the best I find this year !
It’s a bit brutal and it’s not porn, more a french prevention video like this one about marital rape (another even more common drama)