Who never dreamed to watch Kelly Brook rape ?
The only and unique Kelly Brook rape scene you will find in internet. One of the sexy star of the 20’s century, the movie is not good, but I think many men Watch it to see her big and attractive boobs.
The scene take place in a desert island after yatch get wrecked in a storm… 3 Peoples are safe, and among them the sexy Jennifer… At one time Jennifer and Manuel have an argue who turn into fight then the guy rape the lady in a beach.
The scene is hot, and the only value of the movie, so enjoy the vision !

Would you rape in a desert island ?
That is a big fantasy, you are secluded in a island as Survivor, with a cute woman, and you Don’t know when the help gonna come… Dilemna, would you keep your sex starving and still be a gentleman… Or would you fall to your instinct, maybe you will die, let’s fuck a last time before death.
You lay find some answer in reading the manga “Suicide Island“, a good comics quite rough you should discover.

Rape porn review : Hot old scene are always good – B
Yeah many people whould think it would be smooth, but back in time you could not see boobs as easely as today ! And Kelly Brook was one of the hottest girl of this time !
Rape scene in movie were rare, and not as graphic as today.

Kelly Brook rape blame story
She may be one of the hottest woman in the world, she’s not the smartest. She claim that it was drunk women fault if they were abused… No no and no, the only fault is on the rapist !!!
Women should have the right to drunk and have fun without be afraid that an idiot fuck them… We have to stop to excuse criminals, wrong behaviours should be punish !
The movie is trash, but this scene is really good !