A new russian forced breeding porn
Drunk husband and lonely wife turn in a forced breeding porn. Ivanov come back home with his best friend, after a night in the bar to drink. His cute wife, Alinka is cleaning the home and a new day with a drunken husband, she fear the worst… But what will happen is more horrible than what she expect !

Forced to fuck in threesome with husband’s friend
The mind gazed by alcohol, Ivanov decide to share his sexy wife with his friend. The poor woman can’t resist to two strong men, she know they could hurt her. She decide to let them fuck her without struggling, with the hope it will end quickly.
They force her pussy on the sofa, banging her in many way, but at least they didn’t forced her mouth. It’s her only relief in her terrible rape.

CNC porn review : Quite good – B+
As many russians video the setup is really the basic of roleplay, at least there is an outdoor scene and a house. This place was used to do a lot of russian rape porn, keep the eyes in future update.
The actress is pretty and got a nice body, as she don’t fight back, her acting is really basic. As fot the two guys, wich is bad, they were good russians actors with some good performance.
You can see on of them in this video with nude girl attacked on her bed. And the other in a russiandomination video with Sisi. They could have made a better playing, but it’s not an easy work.

Not really a forced breeding porn
Yeah, they didn’t cum in her, and I don’t think they want to make baby. Force breeding videos are rare, you find them more in mainstream video. In CNC the guys are more looking to take pleasure and cum, than humanity reproduction.
But you can find this concept in the excellent serie The Handmaid’s Tale. Where fertile women are prisonner and forced to make baby for riches peoples. Something that may happen one day… Humanity is crazy, we never know what to expect…