Long scene from the viol porno “Violées par l’anus”
Violées par l’anus mean, Rape by the ass, that the title of an old french viol porno from Didier PARKER. You may think that all the movie is about rape, but it’s quite vanilla beside this scene.
It’s seem that a group of bandit kidnap a mature redhead woman and get her to what seem a nightclub… There she’s forced to undress and gang rape by all the guys. All the component of a vendetta plot, I think her husband have bigs debts with the wrong peoples…

Viol porno the french style
You can find a lot of french rape porn in this site. Like this one with two guys raping a french busty blonde. One of the quality of those production is that they look more real. There is this raw ambiance that you don’t see in american and russian studio.
The girls are casual looking, most of them are mature women and the actors are not muscular beast. Wich give this unique style that you can’t find in other country.
But now there is no more french movies. Even if rape porn is not illegal in this country, pornographic studios don’t want to produce more fetish movie… It seem that it’s not a earning niche anymore.

Rape porn review : Good scene to watch – B+
Even if the movie is not the greatest, this scene is really nice. The way she struggle while the block and fuck her on the ground will make you hard. It’s from the time where there was a lot of rape porn made in France ! But that era is dead today… Even classic porn production from France are rare, the only remaining studio is Dorcel, always working and lot of success since 1979.

A raw CNC porn with dark ambiance
Not the most beautiful actress, but she do the work. There is some good scene like the first forced blowjob at the middle of the video. They struggle to put this dick in her mouth.
And another good scene when they block her in the ground whule fucking her. I think many of you will love it.