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Today rapemovie is a great french classic, “Belles de rêves”. This 1983 film directed by Jean-Luc Brunet is an erotic porn from the old days. That means with a few scenes of rape and where consent was incidental and not very dramatic.
In 1980s France, a wave of sexual assaults strikes the capital. All the victims are young and pretty bourgeois women, a mystery that we will quickly solve.

The great era of CNC full movie
The 80s were a blessing for CNC porn enthusiasts. Any movie had a rape scene, and it all seemed normal.
Films like Emmanuelle flourished the culture of rape, portraying it as a fun sexual act that was just a bit more exotic. It is important to understand that this is not the case, and there is no pleasure in being raped…
But that doesn’t prevent this fantasy from existing through cinema. Even if it is less present than in the past. You can still enjoy a lot of rapemovie.

Rapemovie review : A great classic with beautiful girls – A+
Among the first rape porn films I discovered, this one is a classic. I have never seen it in its entirety, but I have watched the two scenes several times.
The ones in the parking lot are a classic, very good acting, they are sudden, brutal, and violent. But my favorite is the second one, with the magnificent France Lomay, at the peak of her beauty and youth.
The beautiful young woman is abused on a table, this scene will keep making you ejaculate. The actress is really talented, and she enjoys acting in films of the same genre.
The last scene is classic vanilla, no need to comment on it, you can ignore it.