Short Savage rape video
Short old video, where a beautiful blonde woman reception a man in her house. But she wear only a shirt and her pant… An excuse for the guest to do a savage rape in his host house.

What she wear is not an excuse
I will use this short movie to recall an important rule “Even nude, it’s not an invitation to rape”. If a woman (or a man) want to have sex with someone, it will tell you.
It’s not beause a woman wear a sexy dress, and even because she’s only wear underwear, that a man have the right to fuck her !
If you visit this site is because you live forced and domination fantasy, but it’s important to call back to not hurt people…
Don’t turn criminal just for sex ! Pay an escort girl to fuck, or find someone in a chat for roleplay, but keep your lust in law !
People who find this excuse to justify their act are just weak and coward, don’t blame others to be stupid.
And guys, don’t you think it’s better to see girl in sexy dress withtout they have fear or feel ashame ? If you love women, respect them… Even if you watch some dirty porns 😉
It’s really important to seperate the fantasy and reality, you can watch rape porn (in small dose) because it’s exciting. It don’t mean you’re insane or deviant, you just need more hard sensation than usual people (for many personnal reason…).
But don’t turn addict, or you sexual life will suffer, or try it (out of roleplay) because your enitre life will be thrown, and the one of your victim !
Be safe !

Rape porn review : A, short and hot
Moral is said, now time to talk of the movie, it’s really short but a good one !
The woman is really beautiful, the guy is casual as usual.
Vintage movie always have some charming scene like this one in a parking.