The violent scene from the movie Contraband
The movie Contraband (orignal name “Luca il contrabbandiere”) is an old movie, with a really violent and graphic rape scene. This italian movie talk about mafia and their cruel retribution.
In this scene, a gang rape the wife of a guys who tried to cheat them… And for the message to be clear the call him so he can witness her

Rape porn review : Really graphic – A
I think this scene was quite shocking at that time. For a mainstream movie it’s really violent and brutal, in the 80’s it was quite common to have such scene.
The acting is good, with lot of terror and horror with the actress who try to resist as much as she can… While the guys abuse her with hard face and serious. Like in all mafia vendetta scene, the guy take no pleasure or lust, the rape is a duty and a punishment.
In many country in the world, rape is more a weapon than occidental vision of lust and desire. If you like this kind of fantasy with punishment here the best movie you will find.

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