A great forced rape video from Sedena
Looking for forced rape movie with a really sexy girl ? This movie is for you, Emmanuelle is just one of the hottest rape actress you could watch. Sadly there is never penetration in her video, but her body will make you forget this detail.

Sedena.net a old good rape video site
Sedena is an old pornographic production site, sadly the last update is from 2016… 6 years ago… I don’t remember the date of the first, the domain exist since 2003 !!! It’s an history of 13 years of amazing videos with really hot actress.
I don’t think another website in the CNC niche had such long life, or maybe Psychothriller or PKF… I warn you they are more in Necro fantasy, a fantasy I really don’t like… Maybe later I will share some, but I’ll cut the necro part, because the acting in rape part is really good in many movies.

Rape porn review : Excellent, just need penetration – S
The video is about two guy who kidnap and take a sexy girl in their gare. They decide to abuse and rape her in a quiet place. Emmanuelle is absolutly perfect, the way she resist to the oral rape scene, and during all the movie. And she’s also one of the most beautiful actress you will see, with an incredible natural body.
Sadly the video is old, so no HD can be found, and I never found other movies with her. There also a great one that you can watch in this site :
Sauna rape with a hot busty brunette you will love it
Hope you will love this movie, because he worth attention. Wish more gorgeous actress could play in Forced porn production… Time will tell if this nich is dead or will regain a great rebirth !
Keep following the site, more is coming.