Be careful ! Many plumbers are big perverts !
During long time plumbers were main actors of pornography. In forced sex industry, there some movies with those guys coming and abusing their client. It seem it’s dangerous to have water flood in your home.
If you like this plot there is another great movie with a plumber in the site. Where the guy rather forced a cute young woman than working.
Sadly it also happen in reality, so be careful and stay safe ! Real rapist are not as soft as actors…

Forced sex review : old but particular movie – B+
In this one, there is two plumbers who decide to abuse a blonde woman. The quality is old so don’t expect high resolution, but it give a touch of real to this movie. At this time there was a lot of rape porn movie in internet, it was the most popular fantasy.
The girl really put heart in job, because it must be hard to have tools in your pussy. To be a porn actress is really an hard job who deserve respect. For men is easier, at the moment you don’t play in Femdom movies !