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Best performance of Kimmy Granger
Kimmy Granger will never be as good as in this movie from BrutalX.com. This site use to have the best new generation of rape porn, but sadly the quality have decrease recently.
In this film, Kimmy Granger play a sexy and fit teen doing some gym at house, but it disturb her step brother. They argue but it turn quickly in violence, and he decide to rape her.

It all start with music
Kimmy Granger is a cute and sexy teen, she know it and work to keep her body in good shape. Every men love long hair brunette with a slim and fit body, and her perfect shape ass.
So every morning she do some sport to keep her body safe, but now she don’t live alone. Her step brother, a unployed dickhead, share her house the time he got a job.
He sleep everyday till the afternoon, and Kimmy Granger music don’t let him sleep.
“Could you stop this damn music bitch”
“Shut up, you looser, you’re leaving in my place ! When you will have a job like a real man, you can talk to me…”
That too much for his dignity, he break in anger !
“Real man ? I going to show you if I’m a real man !!!”
With force he grap Kimmy and tears her shirt to touch her nipples. He quickly throw her to the ground and show her his horny dick.
“Now you will suck a real dick !”
He force his way in her mouth, near suffocating her, while she try to resist as much as she can.
“Let see you ass now, I always loved it, now it’s time be inside to see if it’s as good.”
Ripping her shirt while she struggle to escape, he grap her perfect ass and lick her pussy. It’s too much for the young Kimmy Granger, she hate that guy and he will take pleasure with her body.
And he fuck her and love it, she’s so sexy he always dream to fuck her pussy. She scream and beg him to stop but all is lust turn him blind.
He finish his work with cumming all over her disgusted face.

Rape porn review : S+, I think it’s the best
The name of the site is to offer you the best, and I think this movie is the best you will ever see.
The acting is so good that it may look real, Kimmy Granger is just perfect. The way she struggle are reluctant and keep a digusted face during the rape.
And for men desire, she’s hot, her ass during the doggystyle scene… You will be addict of this scene.
BrutalX used to have some movie as good as this one, so sad they didn’t do more. But be safe I keep seeking the best for you, keep follow this site !

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Time pass, and this video is still one of the best ! We really hope that we will find another actress as talented as Kimmy. Good rape porn video is really missing today.
i hate this