She came to the lake for some peace
The pretty tall blonde come to the lake, in the wilderness to find peace and nature. All was quiet and with good energy until two violent rapist appear !
A new rape porn from !

This trip was a bad idea
Sabine went to a quiet place, after she break with her boyfriend she want to make piece in her mind. 5 years of relation just end today, she need to think about future…
But as she stay near a lake to do some meditation and exercice, she don’t see that two guys spying her.
Those two country boys never saw such pretty girl, and never fuck any girl in their live… Maybe their ugly cousin one time or two, but they desire Sabine as they never desire something before, they want to rape her.
They jump on her, and quickly remove the few cloth she wear. Her body is at their hand and they gonna abuse it. They can’t wait to feel her warm skin and touch her smoothly tits.
The first one take her ass in doggystyle, he find her butt so great that he love this position and want anal sex. While he fuck her, his friend force his dick in her mouth.
“Damn this is good, mate, she cute and tight, we are lucky”
“Yeah but be carefull don’t cum inside her, not time to be daddy…”
She never did anal sex, and two stranger now penetrate by force her hole. She’s body is thorn by pain and shame, shejust pray that they cum to finish this hell…

Rape porn review : B, a russian classic
The girl is cute, the acting nice and the guys real boners, that a classic russian porn.
Some may love it, some would rather watch HD video, it’s all your choice ! More is coming tomorow.