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Russ Meyer is famous for sexploitation
I think few people today know the name of Russ Meyer, in the 70’s he was famous for his erotic movie.
In this short rape scene from the movie UP! a glamorous dark hair lady (Raven De La Croix) do hitchike. But the driver can’t resist to such wonderful tits, and want to have sex with her
After a short fight, he knock her out and can fuck her without resistance.

Russ Meyer talent over years !
Russ Meyer’s films stand out from traditional pornographic films due to their subversive intent. In a puritanical America, he delights in provoking censorship and attacking Christian moral values, foremost among them the family and marriage, by advocating for sexual perversions and homosexuality as well as graphically depicting scenes of violence. He contributes to the “artistic insurrection” that will lead to the repeal of the Hays Code in 1966, which subjected the film industry to the demands of Judeo-Christian morality.

Rape porn review : Short but nice – A
The erotic soft rape of vintage era. Often it depict busty women, with natural tits. Today most of the actress are slim with fake tits, so it’s always good to have a piece of nature.
Raven de la Croix is a stunning actress, with a dreamily voluptuous body. A huge natural bust that turns many men’s heads.
The fight scene is quite violent, without being graphic, but the intention of brutality is felt. But after what a pleasure it is to see Nadège’s naked body, Russ Meyer gives us a beautiful gift.
There’s a bit of perversion missing, the man doesn’t explore this magnificent body with his hands. While we dream of taking such a generous chest in our hands.