Some advice to find Virt-A-Mate CNC scenes
Those who use Virt-A-Mate knows how it’s difficult to find forced or rape scenes. The main site to find material Virtamate HUB banish this kind of content. So the only solution is to build yourself the scene, but that can be really long, and with crappy result…
So I will help you and share my research in the vast world of Internet. Today is the work of Jyy, that you can find in Patreon, and a really good rape scene.

How to install Virt-A-Mate ?
For the moment I didn’t tried the simulator, I’ll download it in following day to make the test. It seem you can download it in Patreon. I’ll give more explanation later when I will install it in my computer.

Two men decide to rape one of their colleague
The scene seem really good, I can wait to try it. The graphisme is really good, and I have watch it in action, the physics are outsanding. You can enjoy the images and more will come in future.
But you can find your pleasure in others CNC games like Playhome or Playclub while waiting.