Maybe the best CNC video from Punishteens
Punishteens, now known as submissived.com, is a famous CNC pornsite. Mostly about rough fuck, you can find several others videos in our site. Some really good, but it’s time to discover one of the best.
The actress today is the sexy Lilli Dixon, it’s her first movie in our site, and she have some great one. She’s a bit overacting, but that make her performance greatly.

She went back at home like a slut, she will be fuck
Lilli come back to her home almost nude, but her boyfriend who wait for her turn crazy… He was waiting for her with rope to punish her, she will pay her sluttery with her cunt.
He always have been the gentle kind with her, but now he’s mad, time to let the beast roar. Banging her the most brutaly in the kitchen is the only solution in his mind. Destroying her cunt will maybe earn some respect !

Rape porn rating : You will love the debut of the movie – S
The debut is absolutly amazing, among the best of punishteens.com. Love how she struggle in face of his assault, his frustration and violence. The way he bang her while she’s bent over the kitchen desk is amazing… Wish this scene was longer.
Sadly the more the video last, less the quality is… But it’s really common in CNC pornography, the start is always the best… It’s difficult to have creativity during half an hour… Even in Japanese forced porn, famous for it’s creativity.
Hope you will love this video, and can’t wait to share you even better one in coming days. I’ll look for her second great video, I think you will love it too !