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Photographer rape fantasy in the most strange way


This photographer rape his model in his dream

But You will soon discover it’s all in the photographer mind… He just wank on her photo with some forced sex plot in head !

The video is short but may be what many guys have in mind with sexy friends or workmate. Shocking ? I think you need more to be shocked !

rape fantasy about photo model
This is the girl who came as model

Why masturbate on women photos ?

A good question that may touch every men ! In this Quora blog this guy have some answers, like because women are sexyer with cloth !
It’s true that the desire to discover what the cloth hide is really strong, and in rape fantasy even stronger ! I love when men tears cloth, letting us discovering the hidden body part by part.

I don’t think women masturbate on photo, none of my girlfriend talk about that. Maybe it’s all about imagination. Because many girls would be shocked if they knew that a friend wanking on their photos. You can see it in this reddit thread.

With social media this behavior became even more popular among men, lot of sexy photos can be find in Instagram and Facebook. And lot of women love to put picture of her made by photgrapher. Before it was with underwear catalog, but now fantasy can touch women friends.

There is nothing bad about that, but just be careful to not have too much fantasy. The path of idealizing a girl is easy and can turn badly ! A wank time by time is good, but everyday on the same girl can be toxic !

Photographer rape fantasy dream video
In his mind she’s a hot bitch seeking for wild sex

Rape porn review : Surprising

Not really graphic or pornographic I think it’s from a movie, but don’t know wich one. I think it’s describe what is in many men mind ! Hopefully most of them can keep control, but if they could fuck wildly any hot girl… They would !

And beware, some photographers really abuse their models

photographer rape his model in a abandonned place
He attack and threat her to rape his model

Photographer rape movie, not a common plot

Strangely there is almost no porn video with this plot. That really strange because, sadly it happen often in reality. In this site you can find some casting or model rape. But with photographer, in all my collection it must be the only movie I got !

That really strange.

Model photo rape fantasy short scene
The scene is fast and have a surprise !
Date: November 1, 2022

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