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1976 – “Echanges de Partenaires” Sexual assault scene
A pretty woman endure a sexual assault while a man block her between two floor. This good french rape fantasy movie take place in an elevator.
The acting is really good for an old movie. I don’t know if it’s from a bigger movie, but this short scene have a lot of success.

Really good sexual assault scene from an erotic movie
The scene is from the french movie “Swapping Partners”. Joelle and Eric made the decision to spend their honeymoon night at the home of two married friends who are now experiencing a major marital crisis. A extremely young woman who claims to be Angel rides up on a motorbike just before nightfall. Erotism flares up in the cosy house as a result of her odd presence, and several couplings and violent sex break out.

Rape scene rating – Really good, love it – A
The acting in this scene is very good, especially for the time. It can give plenty of ideas to couples wishing to practice some more exciting sexual assault role-playing games. After doing it in a public place is always complicated, but terribly exciting. The ideal is to do it in a nearly abandoned building, or in offices when all the employees have left. But be careful, if you get caught, it might complicate your social image.
It’s not even an actual rape scene, they’re a couple roleplaying.
Yes true, I have seen the full movie recently !
name of movie
Sadly don’t remember what is it…
1976 – Echanges de Partenaires
Thanks a lot for this information