A free italian rape porn to discover and download
Italian forced porn are good, most of them have really pretty and sexy women, the kind you dream to fuck every night.
In French and German production, the women are more casual looking, wich make the movie more real, but less hot. All taste are in nature !

Rape porn review : Some good scenes some less good – C+
The first scene “L’inganno” is my favorite, the girl is cute and sexy, and with good acting. She fall in a date trap, where the guy not only fuck her by force, but also call his friend to abuse her.
The second scene “L’emigrante” is too much vanilla, sadly because the woman is really cute too. And the last one is really short, start well but also turn too much vanilla. If all scenes were like the first one I would give a A !

Wow… the first scene is hot… wish i knew what they was saying but it looks like the r@pist does his thing with the poor girl and then has his friends come in and r@pe her to… 😛