Who never have fantasy about Wonder woman ?
Wonder Woman is the most famous and iconic femal hero in earth. Every one know the music and the intro with the glamour Lynda Carter.
And we can tell that all men in the world dream to fuck her !!! As every men whould love to fuck Gal Gadot today. Hopefully there is a lot of pornographic cosplay to satisfy those desire.

XXXtremeComiXXX productions are good
This studio got lot of movie, really a incredible quantity of movie ! Don’t think I will have enough lifetime to post all of XXXtremComiXXX movies. But at least I’ll try to share all the best one !
In this movie a sexy Wonder Woman is caugth and loose her fight against a masked super vilain. But what can he do with a unconscious and gorgeous super heroine ???
Why not tie her with her magical rope, and taste those wonder tits ? For sure she got a wonderful body, nice looking ass, it must be good to fuck her…
And that will show her that Bad guys can show some loves too. And why not test a sextoy, can her super body resist to sexual pleasure ? It seem not, she’s like any women.
Once he finish to fuck her mouth let drill her pussy, it seem her pussy hurt her more scream than a bullet. Once he finish to jerk his sperm inside her body, why not call other bad guys to have some good time with an old ennemy ?

Rape porn review : B+, Good cosplay movie
The movie is good, not among the best of the studio, but better than many you could find.
Tellula Rose is really pretty and have nice tits, men will love it. The dark point is the fake dick of the guy.
I know it’s for disease protection, but that remove all realist feeling. But you will have a good time with this movie overall.
Have a good watching.