One of the first rape video game Bishojo
You can find in the site a lot of rape video game for your fantasy. From the most perfect simulation like Playhome, to the anime looking like Insult Order.
This time we go back in time with the unique game 177 from Macadamia. You will need an emulator to play with it like Virtual 98.

Some game history
For information, 177 is the number of the japanense criminal legislation paragraph that forbids rape. The editor have some kind of dark humor there ! Because the goal of the game is to pursue a woman to fuck her !!!
To do so, you play in a side-scrolling game, where you have to avoid animal and obstacle to reach your prey. You can throw stone to kill animals (this guys is really not an exemple for child) or stun the poor girl to choose the wrong direction.
Once you catch the girl the game turn into a sex simulation game, where you have to give her pleasure. If you miss you go to prison, if you are successful enough time, you will marry her !

The love/rape stupid fantasy
In many movie and fiction that promote rape culture, there is the way a guy dominate a girl to make her love him… Like in the serie 365 days, for exemple, that just full pain wrong… You have no a chance in the world that a victim will fall in love with her rapist…
Sadly it may push some weak mind to go to act… Love is not all about sex !!! Is about taking care and respect. That the best and safe way to be loved.
But you can still try the game for curiosity !