Looking for more forced sex video ?
Here a forced sex video from the site, now dead, forcedpassion.com. This website made some nice production with the same actor. For the girl it’s her only movie, I don’t remember to find other or her name.
It seem that the site got a new URL, newforcedpassion.com, but don’t know if there is update as the cost is quite expensive for an old site. I wander if it still work, if someone take a membership just tell me.
I think the production is russian but as they don’t speak in impossible to know. I think it’s better when the actors talk, it make the scene more lively, here it’s a bit to mute.

Forced porn review : Average, could be better – 12/20
Far from the best forced sex video, it’s not bad but I think it miss some better acting or rythm to be better. The girl is cute and it’s nice to see some curvy natural girl, but her struggle is not really convincing.
And the guy is too mechanical, he don’t seem lusty or a bit insane, he seem more like doing a job. No pleasure or desire, he’s barely hard on this video. Wich his bad, his other movie are better than this one.
Keep following I’ll share them later.